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Learn more about the people currently running ASB!

Professor Arne Kislenko
ASB Faculty Advisor

Arne Kislenko is Associate Professor of History at Toronto Metropolitan University and an instructor in the International Relations Program at Trinity College and the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto. Arne is the founder of ASB and has served as faculty adviser since its inception in 2006. ASB leadership relies on Arne for advice, support, fundraising expertise, and many other things. If it weren’t for this man, ASB Toronto MetU would cease to exist! Arne is an avid traveler and believes that travel is one of the best educations. He has accumulated many tales from nearly 30 years trekking much of the globe, and he has his sights set on conquering the rest of the world. He has won numerous teaching awards, including the prestigious 3M National Teaching Fellowship, Toronto Metropolitan's President's Award for Teaching Excellence, the Province of Ontario Leadership in Faculty Teaching (LIFT) Award, and being named Ontario’s “Best Lecturer” by TV Ontario following its first “Academic Idol” contest. Before academia, Arne worked with Canada Immigration for 12 years as a Senior Officer, dealing with many high profile and national security cases. He appears regularly in the media and advised on or appeared in numerous TV documentaries, including as host of the National Geographic television series "Living in the Time of Jesus" (2011). A full bio is at

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Shae-Lin Falica

India 2022 – Project Coordinator

India 2019 – Team Member


Shae-Lin Falica is in her fifth and final year of Aerospace Engineering at TMU. She was a member of Team India in 2018/2019 and had the most incredible experience with ASB and YOI. Having discovered a new passion for international volunteering and development,  Shae-Lin has worked hard to revive ASB after the organizations downtime throughout Covid. Her interests include dance, film photography, bouldering, snowboarding, backcountry sports and international travel. She hopes to carry on ASBs legacy and provide students with the opportunity to learn about other cultures and sustainable travel. 






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Helena Tahtabas

Project 2022 – Team Leader



Helena is currently in her third year of the Performance Production Program at TMU with minors in English and Acting/Dance. After learning about international volunteering and travel through her sister, Helena has always dreamt about going on a trip of her own. Now she has the chance to do so with ASB, and she couldn’t be more thrilled. She loves learning about different cultures and is intrigued by their histories. Helena is also passionate about film, improv and comics, along with exploring new places and experiences. Although she tends to be shy, Helena is ready to leap out of her comfort zone to experience this life-changing journey with everyone.  





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Simone Cellario

Project 2022 – Team Leader



Simone (they/them) is an international student from Italy in their second year of Sociology at TMU. Besides being one of the leaders of ASB, Simone also works as a bartender and teaches Italian. You can catch them enjoying wine or reading up on socio-political topics. Simone is also well travelled, having been to China, the USA, Denmark, France, Russia, England, Germany and all around Italy. They also have an innate sense of leadership and are developing those skills further as the student leader manager at TMUIC. 



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